
We are so excited about our new online community for creatives because we’ve seen first-hand that finding a tribe of people to bounce ideas off of increases inspiration, creativity, and confidence. And having that support from other creatives is critical for success.

Benefits of our online community:

  • Connect with other creatives and engage in discussions about life and work.

  • Expand your network: Being part of an online community can help you expand your network of industry professionals, which can be invaluable when it comes to finding an agent, a publisher, or collaborating with other creatives.

  • Participate in quarterly video meetups where we chat and offer constructive critiques for work submitted by members.

  • Access resources and useful information

  • Discuss productivity and share productivity hacks and tips to improve your workflow and output.

  • Ask questions and share your work in progress to get feedback and constructive criticism from fellow members.

  • Join interesting webinars and lectures, which we'll be hosting as regular monthly events in the near future.

Who can benefit from joining our creative community?

Illustrators: Our community is designed specifically for illustrators who may feel isolated while working on their projects. Whether you're a professional or aspiring illustrator, our group offers a supportive space where you can share your work in progress, ask for feedback, post inspiration, and exchange tips with other illustrators who understand the creative process.

Designers and licensing artists: Receive valuable feedback and critiques on your work, helping you to develop new skills and techniques. The community also provides access to resources and discussions on industry trends and practices, keeping you up-to-date with the latest information. Additionally, you may find opportunities for collaboration, which can lead to new and exciting projects.

Children’s book writers: You can connect with other children's book writers who share your passion for writing and storytelling. You can discuss your work and ideas, share tips and techniques, and offer support and encouragement to each other. Being part of an online community gives you the opportunity to share your work and get feedback from other writers, who can offer valuable insights and critiques that can help you improve your writing.

Latest from our community

*Trend Source is a premium add-on membership. It is not included in the basic community subscription.

Join our community

Are you tired of the constant barrage of ads on social networks? Do you long for a vibrant online community free from distractions where you can connect with others, share your work, and ask questions? Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting, our community is the perfect place to learn, grow, and connect with others. We offer a wide range of resources, including productivity tips, tutorials, and trend insights, to help you stay ahead of the curve. In addition to our resources, we also have quarterly online meetups with online critiques and feedback sessions to help you improve your work. 

Join our online creative community today and start connecting with other creatives, sharing resources, and exploring new ideas. Whether you're looking to improve your skills, find inspiration, or simply connect with others who share your love for creativity, our community is the perfect place for you.